Disc Herniation

A Disc Herniation happens when the vertebra above and below are not moving correctly.

 The abnormal motion of the vertebra put a mechanical stress on the intervertebral disc. Over time, the disc continues to receive this abnormal mechanical stress and it begins to degenerate. The degeneration wears out the outer fibers of the disc and they rupture and the inner material of the disc pushes through the fibers and often presses on the adjacent spinal nerve. Research shows that pain can occur from two different sources…the rupturing of the outer (annular) fibers of the disc, and also due to the (frequent) pressure on the spinal nerve that comes out of the space between the vertebrae.A posterio-lateral (posterior lateral) disc herniation is the most common type of disc herniation. It compresses the spinal nerve that exits the side/back of the spinal joint and causes tremendous radiating pain. The nerve pain often radiates into the arms or radiates into the legs (depending on the location of the herniation)

There are sub-categories of disc herniation. These sub-categories are disc protrusion and disc sequestration. A disc protrusion is the term used to explain that the disc material has torn the outer fibers of the disc and has pushed outside of the outer fibers. A disc sequestration is a term used to describe the inner material leaving the inner part of the intervertebral disc and parts of it break off and move into the spinal canal where the spinal cord is located.

Our specially designed spinal decompression table allows us to specifically target and isolate the disc herniation and we can actually apply decompression in a very specific way to get pressure off the nerve, away from the damaged outer fibers of the disc and create a negative pressure (vacuum) in the vertebral disc helping to ‘suck’ the disc material back into its proper location.

The spinal decompression table we have at Burlington Spinal Decompression is the only table that we know of that allows spinal decompression while a person is in lateral flexion, trunk or neck flexion/extension and also rotation. This is the key to repairing the problem and having it a long-term solution.

Burlington Spinal Decompression is the highest rated facility in Burlington, Oakville, Hamilton, Mississauga and Milton…this is the case because our techniques and technology are second to none.


Burlington Spinal Decompression, All rights reserved |   by Brandlume