The Dangers of Hand Held Technology. Neck position and texting cause spinal degeneration. The research is clear, repetitive stress and addiction to technology (like we see in young people) causes long-term spinal degeneration. In fact, we have seen a significant
This topic is one of the most important topics you will ever come across…your nervous system and its interconnection with your immune system. As you know, your nervous system is the master control system of your body. It harmonizes and
This table that we recently got has what is called four-dimensional decompression. Now, you are probably wondering what four dimensions is because there is only three dimensions. The fourth dimension is the excellence zone. The reason why we call it
One of the things that we have found over the past 15 years is a tremendous societal misunderstanding of herniated discs or bulging discs. Most people believe that the herniated disc or bulging disc is the problem. In fact, it
Most people with back pain, sciatica, scoliosis or disc problems (such as a disc bulge, disc herniation or disc sequestration) often investigate Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression as they wish to avoid surgery. It is one of the most effective ways to